“Warming Up To Global Warming”
Something very warming is happening globally. It’s not the Fahrenheit or Celsius climactic kind, but has a very atmospheric feel to it. It is rolling as a blanketing storm across the virtual and social networks that our web enables in connectivity. It’s not about the buzz in the Twitters, Facebook, or their cousins. It’s a network cascade of unselfishness in outreach bringing visibility to the good things that are within people. In the storms that surround us, be they economic or redefining, proactive helping hands and increased acts of kindheartedness are visibly increasing. From where I sit, it appears that purpose and values have more prime time than work and self importance. Friends call when they don’t need a favor, but rather when they care to make your day all the better.
I have experienced unsolicited help and unselfish hours given when least expected. I see colleagues and former colleagues working diligently to help others find work or navigate the stress that surrounds them. My network buzzes with alerts for new positions or opportunities to broadcast. A very warming emergence of “we” surrounds what I experience daily. I’ve been lucky enough to do some little things to help others and only regret that I have not done enough.
I suspect that one of the best consequences of the current “troubles” is the pro-activity to reconnect with neglected friendships and colleagues. Thanks to global reach and the power of networks, my world gets smaller and easier to navigate. “Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all hearts of all the world” John Evelyn. English Writer and Diarist (1620-1706)
It’s very sobering to consider that over time, the trivial became urgent and the truly important sometimes faded from the dashboard. So maybe there is lots of good to be had as we move forward. Many have realized the extent of what human wealth can look and feel like. The cool part is that we have realized how easy it is to make others wealthy by our actions.
Some pundits claim that the economy is turning a corner and we should expect better times in the foreseeable future. Perhaps they are here, these current times for us to recalibrate and make some important choices about personal and business behavior. I have always believed that we are defined by how we behave in adversity and tough times.
Thanks, and what can I do for you?